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Monday, April 28, 2008

i've got butt, but i'm not a butler

he sleeps, i paint. it's the way of the world i'm afraid. my paintings are nearly something. not finished. but nearly something. self-portrait looks like someone, but not really me. i don't think anyone paints accurate self-portraits. ever. i just watched the savages for the second time. i like it quite a bit. it's depressing in a realistic way, not in a sad way, but in a very life-like way.
man, do i have a lot of painting left to do. i don't know if i'll be able to finish it in addition to that paper i have to write. aaah well. worked out today, legs. good girl. weighed myself (gained 2 lbs...), not so good girl. societal standards of perfection and beauty have made me a crazy person. that's what i get for watching america's next top model. thanks a lot, tyra. ooh! i bought a pack of permanent markers...yes!!! i'm excited to use them. maybe i can create something interesting with those. i have to open tomorrow, sucks the big one. paid a big chunk to one of my credit cards and i just paid the last of my spring term tuition. hot diggity damn. now i have to start saving for next semester. aidsfjasdfmklasdfsd. i hate da moneyz$Z$zz. evening, chaps.

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